The Secretary

IsabellaPortrayed by: Jen

Short History

Isabella is an unofficial archaeology student at Miscatonic university although her official title is secretary to Archaeology Professor Tyler M. Freeborn. Isabella suffers from mild autism, with the affect that she is easily overwhelmed by loud noises or too many people, but greatly enjoys the cataloging and labeling of archeology. She has personified her copy of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, which she carries with her everywhere in her purse, and in a very real way considers it to be her best friend.

To understand here feelings for this book here is a quote from someone with mild autism about an incident when children bullied him at school by playing keep away with his hat.

“Play keep away with a normal human’s hat and you’re just taking their hat. Play keep away with an neuroatypical human’s hat and it’s possible that it’s his best friend named “Charlie”. It’s highly unlikely that Charlie enjoys flying at highspeeds through the air into greasy hands. You’re not playing keep away with a hat, you are tossing around and abusing his best friend. It takes a damaged monster to play keep away with someone’s dog or their younger sibling, but most will think nothing of playing keep away with the weird kids hat.”

Dr. Dambrosia’s Files

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